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Adult Coed Fall 2024 League
Starts: 10/05/2024
(Registration Opens Sept. 7th)

Who: Men & Women 16 years and older are invited to participate in our adult coed soccer league. While every player is encouraged to wear shinguards, anyone under 18 years of age is required to wear shinguards. 

When: Runs Saturday's 12-10pm (games are approximately 50 minutes long/2 x 25 minute halves); Coed runs year round and a regular season includes 6 regular games + at least 1 playoff game. If your team has limited availability, please leave request in notes for the coordinator when registering team online. 

What: Adult COED Soccer league offers a division for ALL levels of play. We offer A, B (competitive divisions) C, and D (recreational divisions). Please contact us for more information. 

Cost: COED has two payment options:

1 -  Team Fee is $650 if paid upfront/first week (gets free guests); max 15 players. Team fee must be paid in full at first game. Players can pay online or in person.  If the team fee is not paid in full, everyone is moved to the

2- Individual plan, $75 per person, payable over first 3 scheduled games, minimum of 9 players. All players are required to have the once a year membership of $20. 

Whether you have a team or are looking for a team, you are welcome here at Maracana. We often a Maracana House Team (on individual plan of $75 per player) or teams looking for please. Contact Mladen at or text: 520-235-7094.

House Rules: 

Check-in: Just like outdoor, we ask that all players check-in at the front desk and get a wristband. Goalies should check in, but are not required to wear the wristband. 

Waivers: All players must have a signed waiver on file at an Maracana Indoor Sports Arena. Any players under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign on their behalf. Waivers must be re-­signed each year.

Maracana Membership: All players must have a current Maracana Indoor Annual membership ($20) and be on their team's roster before the start of each game.

Playoffs: To participate in playoffs players must be rostered and paid in full before the last regular game  A team and players must be completely paid up to be scheduled and participate in playoffs. 

Jewelry: We ask that you do not wear hanging jewelry, and cover watches with a soft wristband. 

Minimum Number of Players: The minimum number of players for the start of the game is 4 players, one of which is a goalkeeper. 

Jersey: Players on a team are required to wear same color shirt.

Guest Player Policy: A team is allowed to use non-rostered guest players as long as the player pays the 1 game guest fee of $10, or if team has free guests. After 2 games of guesting, the player must pay for Maracana Indoor Annual Membership of $20.  Guests are not rostered players and are not eligible to participate in playoffs. 

Play on Only One Team Per Division: Ideally players are only rostered on 1 team per division. If a player is on 2 team rosters in one division,  the player must only participate in playoffs for one team.  


Captain's Responsibilities:   

  1. Captains register team and add captain's note if team has any time preferences. Since Coed runs 12-10pm, please designate - 1-5pm or 5-10pm if your team has a preference. 

  2. Team captains are responsible for making sure that all players pay their portion of team fee first week if paying team fee. 

  3. Designate with captains note in Dash or at registration desk first week of games whether team is paying the full TEAM FEE that day, or on the Individual Payment plan of $75 a person. 

  4. Team captain is responsible to keep an accurate roster at first game as well as removing or adding players, before roster lock date (3 weeks before end of season- so that players have the opportunity to play 3 games) if there are roster updates. Please communicate with front desk to make these updates if you are not sure how to use the DaySmart app.

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