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Youth League Details, Rules and Regulations

  1. Number of Players: A minimum of 10 players is required max 15 players on the U9-U18 rosters. 

  2. Registration Fees: Team Fee, $550, with a $50 deposit required to register, remainder is due by/at first game. 

  3. Availability & Registration: Space and late registration are subject to availability. Team fees are due by the day of the first game, with no exceptions.

  4. Memberships: No membership for summer Youth Leagues only.

  5. House Teams:  Coming Soon! We are working on adding a house team to each age level. Please email us if you are interested in adding your child to a house team.

  6. Scheduling:  We try to be fair and provide balanced schedules for all teams, but please note the indicated days of play are the “primary” days of play. Games may be scheduled on other days if necessary. Weekend games start at 12. At the time of registration, please place your schedule requests in notes. We accept schedule requests relevant to the first two weeks of the season to accommodate outdoor schedules. Please note that these requests are not final but will be taken into consideration while scheduling.

Rules To Remember

No Sliding

Sliding and 3 points of contact are considered to be playing in a dangerous manner.

No Heading

All U-11 and younger leagues will not allow intentional heading of the ball. When a player deliberately heads the ball in a match, the opposing team is awarded an indirect free kick (IFK) at the spot of the offense.

5 Goal Rule

If a team is up by 5 goals or more, the opposing team is given the option to add another player to the field. Note: If opposing team arrives at a 2 goal difference, extra player will be removed.

3 Line Violation

A 3 line infraction occurs when the ball crosses, in the air, over both white lines without touching the wall, player, or the ground. This will result in a free kick from the white line closest to the original kick. Exception: Passing the ball over 3 lines toward your own goal is allowed.

What to Wear

  • Goalkeeper Attire: The goalkeeper must wear colors that distinguish them from all other players. 

  • Shin Guards & Socks: Are REQUIRED for all players. Socks must be worn over shin guards.

  • Jewelry: A player may not wear jewelry (watches, bracelets, etc.) that is dangerous to themselves or other players. This may be at the discretion of the referee.

age chart
Types of shoes indoor short turf shoes allowed and long outdoor turf shoes not allowed.
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